Goal 1.
No Poverty

As an Educator, I am continuously striving for the upliftment of Society since last 24 years. It is through regular teaching learning process, mentoring of students, career counselling, guidance for higher education, interacting with schools, training to school teachers on scientific and technical aspects. I continuously express myself through print and electronic media to educate society on various academic as well as tech societal issues. This way I am contributing to SDG Goal 1 – No Poverty.
Goal 3.
Good Health and Well-Being

Having expertise in CAD/CAM/CAE I am applying it to Biomedical Research using various platforms of modelling, simulation and analysis. As an outreach activity towards society I i am imparting Training Programs to educate budding doctors on 3D technologies as D Modelling, 3D Scanning and 3D Printing for better patient care and treatment. This project is funded by Dassault Systemes La Fondation. The hackathons conducted involving medical and engineering scholars brainstorming to solve healthcare problems had greatly contributed to integration of Engineering and technology. This is my small contribution to Goal 3 Good Health and Well Being.
Goal 4.
Quality Education

As a teacher I am imparting quality education to students and research scholars. I believe that education only can help the people to rise intellectually and socially. Also one learned person can guide fellow members from society. I had always practiced the philosophy to develop good engineers with better human beings and this way I am contributing to Goal-IV Quality Education.
Goal 9.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Through various interactions with Industry such as exper lectures, visits, consultancy and through innovative projects carried out for solving live industry problems and being technocrat I am contributing for Goal 9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure.
Goal 16.
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Being working in World Peace University with the aim of world peace through various inter religious activities being part of it I am contributing to Goal 16 Peace Justice and strong Institutions.